And the universe is unbelievable. I mean our galaxy, the Milky Way, a hundred billion stars - a hundred billion stars! We wouldn't count up to a hundred billion. We could count up to a hundred billion, but we would not. They have clusters of galaxies, and then there's big, big bits of nothing, so it's awesome, yeah?. The universe is awesome using the original version, the meaning of the word awesome, yeah? Not the new one which is sort of for socks and hot dogs: "Hey! Red and yellow - awesome! You got red and yellow socks, they're awesome!" You know. But if they were you'd be (gasps). I saw an advert for 'awesome hot dogs, only $2.99'. If they were awesome you'd be going, (gasping for breath) "I can not… breathe for the way the sausage is held by the bun. It is… it is speaking to me. It is saying 'we are lips and thighs… of a donkey. Please eat us… but do not think that we are lips when you eat us, otherwise you'll throw up'." Which is true! It's awesome!
America needs the old version of awesome, because you're the only ones going into space. You've got a bit of cash and you go up there, and you need 'awesome' because you're going to be going to the next sun to us. And your President's going to be going (American voice) "Can you tell me, astronaut, can you tell me what it's like?" "It's awesome, sir." "What, like a hot dog?" "Like a hundred billion hot dogs, sir. Sir, it's the dog's bollocks, that's what it is!"
(Eddie Izzard: Circle)
Még jó egy héttel az indulás előtt néztük újra ezt a show-t, és úgy látszik, nagyon megragadt az agyam egyik kis hátsó tekervényében, mert amikor valami valami kis csigát vagy gébet vagy egyéb tengeri jószágot vizsgálva egyszer csak elsötétült felettem az ég, és felpillantva egy óriási fehér hasat láttam, meg rombusz alakban széttárt szárnyakat, a manta pedig méltóságteljesen elsuhant felettem, volt legalább széltében három méter, de olyan kecsesen mozgott, mintha csak egy könnyű kendő libbbenne a szélben, nem jutott más eszembe, csak ez a szó: awesome.
(A legbizarrabb látvány mindazonáltal a negyvenes éveit taposó, mintegy száz kilós dán vendég neon rózsaszín fürdőnadrágja volt.)
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